No diving boards here

shallowThese banal rhymes are but a few evidences of shallow, so-called spirituality in modern worship music.

face . . . embrace, grace
love . . . above, dove
see . . . free, let it be

Now, how about this one (not exactly a rhyme, and not exactly euphonic, either):

On the one hand, there is God . . .
On the other, I’m a fraud.

OK, didn’t like that?  How about deeply considering the inappropriate content and even innuendo in some of today’s songs?  I can think of a couple of places that present “seeing God’s face” with some drama, but what biblical basis is there for “feeling” God’s “embrace,” for instance?  Maybe I’m forgetting something here, but hear Lisa Colon Delay on worship songs with sexual overtones.

And for a more entertaining — perhaps less troubling — look at cliches, check out the Blimey Cow video on how to write a worship song.

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