TT: DEI, Covid, GD (at least Germany does something right), and Politics

The Tuesday Topics today are in the areas of DEI, Covid, Gender Dysphoria, and Politics.  The items are in that order, and in increasing length and depth—until the final one, which is (sadly) entertaining, if I do say so myself.


A company I’ve never heard of recently touted their hiring/growth philosophy of “MEI”:  Meritocracy, Excellence, and Intelligence.

The DEI “market” appears to be bearish.  That’s good!

But let it be affirmed that (1) diversity can be quite good, as with (3) inclusion.  It’s (e) equity and the whole package’s hold on medicine, government, education, and other strongholds that create the problem.


Every week, I still see 3 Walmart staff members people wearing masks.  I think they were taken in four years ago by the media’s reporting of bureaucratic, unscientific policies masquerading as science.  Pretty much all of us were similarly taken in at the beginning of the pandemic.  The only way to regain any trust in the establishment is for foolish, culpable people like Anthony Fauci to be held accountable.

The recent sham of a hearing before congress reportedly had democrats thanking the not-good doctor for his “science.” My goodness. They’ve been living under rocks. Fauci has been caught in multiple lies, baseless statements, and misrepresentations.  From time to time, we all say things we wish we hadn’t, or we overstate things, or we simply learn more later, express regret, and correct ourselves. The difference with Fauci is that he has never publicly admitted his wrongs.  I don’t know how he was when he was in his 50s or 60s or 70s, but in his later life, he has proven to be a bad man.  Very bad, with crimes against humanity on his arrogant shoulders.

Enough is enough!  Read this brief article.  Admittedly, it carries some emotion and bias that is not typical of The Free Press.  But I understand the impatience manifest with the hearing and with Fauci himself.  In the article, expert Jay Bhattacharya, one of the three authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, rightly calls out Fauci’s arrogance and dishonesty.

I’m becoming concerned about “next gen” issues now.  It’s only 3.5 years after the first mRNA vaccines, but I think even the wary ones of us need to be reminded.  We can’t afford to forget the despicable lack of ethics shown by Pfizer, Moderna, and other companies.  They, along with others in the medical establishment, have made me initially distrust any new product, too.  Avian flu vaccinations that use a similar technology?  A thousand times no!  I’ll die with avian flu before I submit to any of those companies’ medicines.  I don’t suggest that everyone needs to feel this decisive and absolutely-not about new vaccines developed by those companies.  I feel very strong myself.  I did take the previously developed shingles vaccine about 2 years ago, and I’m not anti-physician, but I will question everything going forward.

Medicines are not always the answer, and they’re probably less often the answer than anyone wants to believe.


A newly published study in Germany has shown something very important:

 . . . the majority of young people diagnosed with gender identity disorders do not continue to identify as such over time. The study examined insurance data over five years, revealing that more than half of young people aged 5-24 across every age subgroup diagnosed with “gender identity disorder” no longer had the diagnosis after five years.

Gender-affirming care and Nashville’s Covenant School shooter—my notes from a podcast report

The Daily Wire exclusively obtained images from four pages of the 28-year-old shooter’s journal, which was recovered by Nashville Police at the crime scene.

The FBI had warned Nashville police not to release the writings because they could lead to “false narratives.”  They stated that the journal writings “didn’t lead to any clear conclusion about her motive.” That’s what turned out to be patently false.  The motive was seen in sharp relief.

The shooter had been treated for mental disorder at the Vanderbilt Medical Center since she was 6 years old (22 years).  [Let us not forget that the Vanderbilt Medical Center is the place that investigative journalist Matt Walsh revealed was after the financial reward of “gender care.”]  The journal entry expressed anger against Christianity and her against parents.

She was into her 20s when she decided “that changing one’s gender was possible.”  This determination made her angry that she didn’t have that ability herself before puberty.  She wrote of the “torture of being a girl” and of her “resentment toward kids who are now able to be treated,” saying she’d “kill to have had that opportunity.”

Dr. Andre’ Van Mol (American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations), stated this in an interview:  “Gender dysphoria carries with it the overwhelming probability of underlying mental health issues, adverse family dynamics, adverse childhood experiences, and autism spectrum disorder that usually predate the gender dysphoria itself.”

Reporter: “That applies directly to the Covenant shooter, who writes in the journal about being autistic as well as conflict she had with her parents . . . but all her focus was directed towards dysphoria, and how it was treated could be how we arrived here, according to doctors.”

Van Mol:  “Gender-affirming health care has been shown to be neither safe, nor effective, nor of more help than harm.  Physicians take an oath to do no harm, and gender-affirming care is documented to lead to harm. “

– Transcribed from The Daily Wire’s Morning Wire 6.14.24 Podcast, starting at 6:33

It seems to me that this case, along with mounting evidence all around the world, shows that gender-dysphoric people are highly likely (almost guaranteed) to be verifiably mentally ill.  Therefore, they should not be allowed to do irreparable harm to themselves.

Dr. Eithan Haim blew the whistle on nefarious practices at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.  Signs from the funding website associated with his legal campaign suggest that he is a Christian believer.  The Feds have launched a case against him, and it sounds similar to what happened at Vanderbilt Medical Center in the past:  bring charges against someone for some little, possible infraction, no matter how bogus, in order to distract the public and intimidate the whistleblower.

Infractions of documentation rules should never be used to advance the cause of doctors who support puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and/or genital mutilation in business.  Who cares about HIPAA and privacy stuff, i.e., if a modicum of personal information is leaked to the press if a child is saved from savagery?


How Trump deals with all the people who hate him suggests to me that he is a narcissist/megalomaniac.  I suppose you have to have some of those traits to be president, but his seem extreme, and some of his behaviors are disgusting and/or immoral.  On the other side, Biden is not aware enough to realize he’s being mocked for being essentially a cognitively impaired, shielded puppet, propped up by his staff and other democrats, and likely infused with medicinal cocktails that get him through certain events.

In order to get us all through 2024 less “scathed,” I am asking for a two-pronged deal.  Here it is:

  1. In view of the recent conviction (no matter how one might view it), just put Mr. Trump in prison for a year or more, and get him off the national stage . . . in exchange for the admission that President Biden has advancing dementia, which would sweep him, too, off the national stage.
  2. Then decree that no Democrat or Republican could be elected for the next twenty years.  Only a Libertarian or an unaffiliated, no-party person.  Oh, by the way, this includes the legislative branch.  When the current term is up for any rep or senator, that person would be replaced with an unaffiliated person.  Within two years, all senators and representatives would either leave their respective parties or retire from public service.

The country has to act quickly in order to get this done before the debate and the national conventions.

TT: Hospital Covid protocols and cross-sex procedures are both ghoulish

Today, for “Tuesday Topics,” I am offering material on two topics that are not really related.  They’re paired here only because I find them both “ghoulish.”

I.  Below these substantial introductory points is a link to a podcast about hospital Covid protocols.  I found this presentation notable for several reasons:

  • The interview was relatively slow-paced, i.e., not overwhelming in terms of delivery.  (Sure, you could listen at 1.5 speed and still take this in, but if you have time, go slowly.)
  • It was informative, focusing particularly on a developing study of protocols, some of which are still in effect.
    • Twenty-five “commonalities” are found to link many hospital Covid deaths, illuminating some seriously suspect (I could substitute “deranged” or “murderous,” but I won’t) practices.
    • Financial incentivization and legal firewalling were detailed in ways I hadn’t heard before.
      • I’d heard that hospitals benefited every time they listed Covid as a cause of death, or as a reason for hospital admission, but I learned more about multiple levels of financial incentives.
      • The “Prep Act” established a legal firewall around hospitals and medical staff, making them immune to prosecution for malpractice or other civil or criminal causes . . . and paving the way for the medical establishment to follow baseless, even backwards government protocols.
  • Speculation was heard (e.g., about how observant, otherwise ethical nurses and doctors could have been led into in a dehumanizing, terribly flawed set of practices).  Not all questions were answered, because not all questions can be answered.
  • The podcast had distinctly human, compassionate, and impassioned elements, but these were not overdone.
  • Topics were organized, but the presentation was not perfectly polished.  I liked this factor, and it even lent some extra “ring of truth” to my ears.

If you have any remaining doubts about how Big Pharma and Big Government (executive branch, CDC, NIH, FDA, and more) and other institutions colluded, causing the pandemic to lead to exponentially worse results than it otherwise would have . . . or if you want to make horrible-yet-helpful sense out of a loved one’s death . . . or if you simply want to add to your knowledge, in order to help keep such things from ever happening again, listen to this podcast:

Hospital Protocols

You don’t have to sign up for anything there.  If you prefer a different podcast player, just search for “American Thought Leaders Stella Paul” or some such wording.  The episode was published 10/18/23.

~ ~ ~

II.  A boy is a boy, and a girl is a girl, no matter how he or she is dressed up.  Whatever words you choose, the sex and gender are determined by God’s nature to be either male or female in far more than 99.9% of humans.  Sex is binary.  Stylistic expressions and behavioral preferences might vary, but males are males, and females are females.

Megyn Kelly's "Female -- The Real Thing" T-shirt
Megyn Kelly’s “Female — The Real Thing” T-shirt

Megyn Kelly isn’t my hero, but I like that she won’t play the pronoun game, and I like this shirt she’s distributing.  “Female . . . The Real Thing.”

Now, a brief seasonal word about apparitions, a week before Halloween.  I don’t believe ghosts exist, but I think it is possible that they could exist.  (There is a difference between beliefs and thoughts, as I’m using the terms.)  Personally, I’m resolved not to deal in the realm of witches, ghosts, hobgoblins, regular goblins, goons, or anything else that could be associated with demons or the occult.

On the other hand, there are real haunters around.  Not those in silly ghost costumes or make-believe witches.  These days, the frightening creatures that every sane person ought to stay away from are the ones that Matt Walsh has called “child-mutilating ghouls.”  These are the ones who prescribe, perform, or support in any way the surgical removal of healthy body parts because of any perceived gender dysphoria.  ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) is of central concern, and it seems to me that the majority of cases today fall into that category.  Actually, I suspect that ROGD is almost synonymous with what I will call Socially Induced Confusion in Kids — Exploratory Gender Grasping, or SICK-EGG.  By that I mean to suggest that most “rapid onset” is not physiological or psychological/chemical; rather, it is a socially influenced and socially induced (by others in real life and by social media app content) sickness.

The world has been led to believe something absurd, and it is committing atrocious acts.  Personally, I do not limit my assessment, censure, or outright condemnation to the atrocities committed against minors.  All mutilation of, and intentional damage to, physical bodies ought to cease.  Still, everyone ought to be able to agree that puberty-blocking hormones, cross-sex drug therapies, and any excisions or radical alterations of the healthy body parts of minors are ghoulish.

TT: Covid facts and lies

In a system where science is being bludgeoned to death and those who are witness to the crime either yell about it and are shoved into a corner, or remain silent and continue to collect their paychecks, where the only “evidence” necessary to make scientific or medical claims is to refer to the recommendations of organizations (e.g. FDA, AHA) and publications (e.g. Science, Nature), in an era when those same organizations and publications are strapped for cash and looking for new ways to stay afloat, those organizations and publications will absolutely get gamed.  They will become corrupt.  They will get captured.  And so they will remain in existence, sort of.  Still draped in the aura and gravitas of their former reputations, they may look like the august sheep of old, but are very much wolves on the inside.  – Heather Heying, Natural Selections substack, 10/3/21

With that encouragement, I begin this week’s Tuesday Topics treasure trove on a host of Covid fallacies and farces.  This stuff is far from encouraging, but I share it in earnest.

Speaking for myself, I am decidedly against any mRNA shots for any purpose.  I think the technology is deplorably dangerously ill-considered at best.  I am even more adamantly against mRNA Covid shots for healthy persons and/or for those who have already had Covid and fought it off.  (That is presumably about 98% of the population.)  But those who are more balanced in their views than I might consider this critique of the most recent booster, from the eminently, rightly critical Dr. Prasad:

NY Times (a “former newspaper,” according to writer/humorist Andrew Klavan) science editor Apoorva Mandavilli writes,

But that just isn’t true.  This study does not apply to current variants and the 5th or 6th dose.

Apoorva only talks to experts who support her bizarre worldview:  pro masking kids, pro school closures, and pro boosting people with unproven drug products for diseases they already had.

She is not a journalist.  She is an opinionated person with no medical training, and a threat to public understanding of science.  – “Vinay Prasad’s Observations and Thoughts

I (bc) posted the material below on Facebook on 9/27 and am reposting it here, with a few emendations.  It draws on Prasad and others and is about the new booster and much more, all Covid-related.

1. The new Covid booster has been recommended in this country for individuals as young as 6 months old.  When will this country learn to avoid untested, nonsense recommendations?  Some countries across the pond are doing much better at making sense than the U.S. is. The U.K. and Australia have approved this booster for those 65 and up.…/the-fall…

2. The new booster has not been tested as much as the prior ones, and Randomized Control Trials should have been established for all of them.  Previous shots (not vaccines in the traditional sense) have also been proven beyond doubt to injure a notable number—at a rate that should have shut production down during early 2021.  These “vaccines” are not of the same species as other, time-tested vaccines.  Become familiar with the VAERS database, which, because it is a voluntary-reporting scenario, would significantly under-represent the actual number of adverse events.

**3. Specifically at-risk people might legitimately be led to consider the new booster, but the new booster (like all the prior ones, and like any flu vaccine) cannot be fully effective.  New strains appear regularly, and no monovalent, bivalent, trivalent (or octivalent!) serum can, to date, be developed and administered quickly enough to target new strains.   No test has been accomplished for any drug for current strains of COVID.…/covid19-therapeutics…
Although I disagree with some of Dr. Marty Makary’s (Johns Hopkins) historical emphases and opinions, I would point to him as a professional who modified and altered his opinions over a period of time, based on emerging evidence.  Makary is basically pro-vaccine but seems to understand that the Covid situation and the so-called “vaccines” are different animals.  In December 2021 he was heard arguing against vaccine boosters, referring to himself as an “unboosted male” and saying that the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant was “nature’s vaccine.”

4. If memory serves, I believe Dr. Walensky herself once tested positive for Covid within a month after having received a booster.  This should not be surprising; we should all remember that *=the shots do not keep people from either contracting or carrying the infection.  Based on what I have read, it does seem that symptoms are sometimes more moderate for people who have had a shot that targets the specific viral strain they came into contact with.  My personal feeling is that I don’t want medicine I don’t need, and I firmly believe most of us, including myself, do not need a Covid shot.


Three factors seem more important for 99% of the population, going forward:
  • The individual’s immune system
  • Prior infection and natural immunity gained from that infection
  • Treating any symptoms properly (For me, this would tend to exclude Paxlovid, because it “only has positive data in unvaccinated high risk people who have not had COVID,” and also because it advertises on commercial media.  I am quite open to alternative medical treatments and feel that the Covid death rates would be massively lower if (1) Covid were not listed as a primary cause when it was merely present in an other-cause death, and (2) if ventilators had not been used so much because the wrong medical treatments had been given.
5. The mass positive effect of masking was presumed in 2020 and has never been proven—for Covid or other upper-respiratory infections.  The fact that some people persist in wearing masks, or in believing they helped, might be courteous and/or self-protective in their minds, but that doesn’t mean it’s scientific or even based on common sense.  Case in point:  no N95 mask was studied for children, yet a school in Maryland mandated such a thing this year.  A friend pointed out that there is a KN95 (China standard) for children, but I still suspect that it has not been tested for efficacy.  The famed Cochrane report said masks in general had inconclusive data.  That study in itself (which does not mention KN95 masks) should keep people from returning to any sort of mask mandates, but for the fabrications, exaggerations, and lies of key personnel such as Dr. Fauci and Dr. Walensky.  “Clearly, community masking does not work— that was the conclusion of the 2020 Cochrane report and my conclusion, when my colleagues and I reviewed the evidence in 2020.”  – Vinay Prasad

6. No school lockdowns should ever again occur for Covid or anything like it.  Even CA Governor Newsom, who enacted some of the worst measures in the country, and whose state is suffering from many poor judgments, has admitted that hindsight allows him to reevaluate what he did in 2020-2021.…/newsom-covid-california…

7. Speaking of hindsight . . . Dr. Fauci equivocated.  That’s about the best thing that can be said about him at this point.  Many of his past statements should now be ignored, and his overall influence should now be countered.  Despite the reality that he for a time represented science, he did not represent it well.  Real science has disproved things he and Dr. Walensky and Dr. Jha have alleged.…/ashish-jha-has…


Countless ethical medical professionals, including some I know personally, have assumed they could trust what they were reading from established sources, or hearing from the likes of the CDC, but the info later proved to be false.  Trusted town physicians went on record and turned out to have misled their publics.  (My own PA displayed a very balanced, honest approach, I must say.)  No one I know intended to be misleading, but agencies and the executive branch of our government knowingly falsified and suppressed important research and facts, and the whole ball of wax compromised relationships with doctors and devastated trust in the whole system.


It must be acknowledged by the general public that certain information/opinion once alleged to have been “dis”information has later been proven correct.  In the process of big-brothering the whole pandemic, highly credentialed people were censored for thinking and challenging (which is what science is supposed to do!).  Later, what many of them had said was found to have been correct.  Read here about Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an epidemiologist from Stanford, for instance.…/i-fought-government-censorship…

I had first shared two or three facts and perhaps an opinion on another person’s Facebook post and was censored by that acquaintance.  I took that personally for a while, then I tried to move on.  I realize that if someone doesn’t want me to share an opposing viewpoint in a friendly way, it’s not fully that person’s fault, nor is anyone required to let me comment at all.  He appeals to the number of deaths, and I of course care about each and every loss.  On the other hand, I’m convinced that the number of Covid deaths in this country has been greatly exaggerated, with Covid shown as the cause when it was merely present (or not, depending on the testing circumstances).


Further, I’m even more concerned with the devastating effect of the (and here, I draw back, because I don’t want to overuse or repeat an incendiary word, but the word “draconian” is more apt than “Naziistic” or “horrific”) draconian measures taken by most states at first, and by the country, and by employers.  We began to live in fear, and we began to distrust any dissenting viewpoints, many of which in large measure turned out to be correct.  The devastation on the psychologies of so many, and notably the students in school, will be felt for years, and maybe decades.  It is for this that Dr. Fauci and others must be held accountable.

I find that it’s almost impossible for many people to be open on this topic.  It’s partly a result of where they live.  If you’re in the middle of NYC or Boston or San Francisco, you’ll be influenced by your surroundings.  If you ride in elevators in crowded office buildings, or if you think the federal government was right to censor speech and determine the public sharing of information, or if you’ve lost or are worried about a loved one, you’re naturally likely to have a perspective influenced by those things.  That is completely understandable.

It’s not wrong to be careful or to try to get others to be careful. It’s not wrong to be afraid or concerned about yourself or those you love because of health factors.  It’s a bad idea, though, to ignore good information, acting as though it doesn’t exist, or to suppress thought and speech in order to favor the official stance.  This is precisely what the CDC and FDA are guilty of during the last three years or so–even when they knew what was being said was true, or at least worthy of investigation and consideration.