3 thoughts on “Marketing: OK, that’s a cool new logo, but what does it mean?

  1. Eileen Slifer 06/11/2024 / 12:07 am

    Image one… yes very odd! Without knowing what it is for, my best guess might be a playground? Is that a pool in the background? I did notice the mound was a rock wall but not immediately. Seems like an ad rather than a logo… but it doesn’t communicate anything without text or context. Also, the designer should have edited out the rock grip touching the top left of child’s head and the one to the right of child’s feet.

    It detracts from the central image. (Whatever that is .. ha ha). The rock grip near the foot looks like a Dutch clog flying off said child!

    I think the church logo is very effective. I think the word church is just right, to my eye . Not centered and definitely not flush right. It’s position and size makes the word CURE the main focal point.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Eileen Slifer 06/11/2024 / 12:13 am

    On second look, the word church could be centered but stretched exactly the width of “the cure ” with big spaces between each letter.

    Actually if I had designed it, I’d do that. I don’t like the white circle around the blood drop. I think a white cross better.

    Almost like the United Methodist logo but with the drop instead of the flame.

    (And if this church can cure the United Methodist, that would be fantastic!)


    • Brian Casey 06/11/2024 / 2:44 pm

      Nice. And I can see both points you’ve made about the the word church.


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