Closure B: PUBLIC VERSION: documenting and jettisoning the negatives

I have received my final paycheck as an adjunct faculty member of Benedictine College and am now bringing full closure to my time with this institution.  I reflected on some neutrals and positives in the previous post.  Then I wrote a lengthy record of some negatives—things that I wanted to put behind me, having learned from them.  I have password-protected that post; it is not publicly accessible. 

Below is the first paragraph of the original post. 

The final performance was emotionally lackluster for me personally—largely, I think, because I approached it methodically, almost stoically.  The time here has not been easy in several respects, and I was afraid of becoming emotional.  Still, it was by all accounts a good concert.  There was good, celebratory energy in many of the musicians, and more of their friends and families were engaged than ever before.  I was surprised to see the college president at this concert.  He had never before attended a concert.  There was a decided lack of attendance from faculty and staff—a couple of whom were always inexcusably absent—but that will not keep me from generally remembering rehearsals and performances well.

[ The remainder of the original post is for personal “weblogged” reflection only and is not publicly accessible. Please ask for the password if you are interested in the original. ]

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