
Sometimes, children’s stories contain more inspiring and true material than grown-up books.  Case in point:  Max Lucado’s book You Are Special, about the Wemmicks — beings made of wood by Eli, the craftsman.  Listen in to a description of the scene in the village:punchinello

The pretty ones, those with smooth wood and fine paint, always got stars. But if the wood was rough or the paint chipped, the Wemmicks gave dots. . . .

Some Wemmicks had stars all over them!  Every time they got a star, it made them feel so good! . . .

Others, though, could do little.  They got dots.

Punchinello was one of these.  He tried to jump high like the others, but he always fell.  And when he fell, the others would gather around and give him dots.  Sometimes when he fell, his wood got scratched, so that people would give him more dots.

Then when he would try to explain why he felt, he would say something silly, and the Wemmicks would give him more dots.

After a while, he had so many dots that he didn’t want to go outside.  He was afraid he would do something dumb such as forget his hat or step in the water, and then people would give him another dot.  In fact, he had so many gray dots that some people would come up and give him one for no reason at all.

Yeah, I read this book to my son the other day.  Yeah, I felt it ended up being more for me than for him.

Are you feeling likedots Punchinello, in a depressingly grown-up, senselessly dotted sense?  Me, too.

Do you have a Father like Eli?  A Father who “doesn’t care what the other Wemmicks think”?  A Father who says I matter because I am His?

Me, too.  (I’m just not sure how or where to go visit Him right now.)


5 thoughts on “Dotted

    • Brian Casey 07/20/2014 / 11:20 am

      Indeed. Thought you might resonate w/this, too.

      On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 10:29 PM, NT Christianity wrote:



  1. godschildrenorg 07/20/2014 / 3:26 pm

    In spite of feeling like you do not know how or where to go visit your Father, your verses, your music are all expressions of the communication He has with you. Texans who love you are having positive thoughts inspired by the One who created us. (I was born in CA, but seldom let anyone know. That, and being left handed, is my excuse for my weirdness!)


  2. Steve Kell 07/21/2014 / 8:48 am

    This was a regular read when my three rug rats were in single digits…”several” years ago. But it still rings true, cuz truth is timeless in meaning and application!


    • Brian Casey 07/21/2014 / 9:13 am

      Definitely. It startled me when I was getting almost emotional while reading it to my son. Time was when I was a Max fan, and I particularly love his ability to mix earthly with eternal in an attention-getting way. Later, his “adult” stuff didn’t speak to me as much, but I think I might need to get back to a book or two of his….

      On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:48 AM, NT Christianity wrote:



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