Kick it

“Kick it with your toes.”  

– advice from bad soccer coach in the movie Playing for Keeps

Even as a non-soccer player, I didn’t think that was right.  A few seconds later in the movie, when my suspicion was confirmed, I thought, “Hmm … advice given by someone who doesn’t know whereof he speaks … welcome to my life in church pews.”

I’ve heard a lot of bad advice given from pulpiteers and other officials.  There is way too much ineptitude manifest by public leaders.  But after my own preachment comes a confession. . . .

Although many are giving advice as bad as telling 8-year-old soccer players to kick the ball with their toes, it is neither spiritual nor wise to do what I’ve done:  I’ve pretty much turned off advice from professional religionists.  Maybe I’d do better not to block the “channel,” but rather, to be discriminating in my listening and viewing.  There are still a few decent coaches out there who not only understand the basics but can even help me move beyond them.


2 thoughts on “Kick it

  1. Anne Boyd 03/09/2013 / 3:11 pm

    Perhaps we all can benefit from listening to the decent coaches who do understand the basics…and can help us move beyond them. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. My life is like living on the autoban where there is no speed limit…drive fast if you want to survive! “Hearing” your thoughts refresh me. I believe you are a decent coach for me. God bless you three! Praying for you as you journey further on life’s road.


    • Brian Casey 03/09/2013 / 3:30 pm

      Thanks, Anne. Love your autobahn analogy, too.


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